Category: Travel Insurance News

Related travel insurance news

Statement by Federal Reserve on AIG

Interesting press release today from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York concerning their transaction involving AIG: We understand the importance of keeping AIG’s regulated subsidiaries which include its insurance companies well capitalized, and will continue to work with their regulators. Policyholders across the entire AIG family should take comfort from the fact that AIG…

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What if my insurance company goes bankrupt?

In the past several days we’ve all heard about the crisis going on with AIG and their recent attempts to raise capital to forestall a decrease in their credit ratings. We have heard that bankruptcy is one option that AIG’s management might have no recourse but to use. That raises the question of: What happens…

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Tropical Storm Hanna on Stormpulse’s Hurricane Tracking Map

Since hurricane season is bearing down on us and already causing more problems, I have been back on and checking out all the new features they have. The first one is the ability to embed their hurricane tracking maps into other websites. As you can see below we have Hanna who – as of…

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