Category: Travel Insurance News

Related travel insurance news

Air Travel Delays

Now, all of the Comprehensive Package Plans that we offer (save one, that’s the Medex Trav Med Abroad Plan) cover bad weather, what is referred to as Inclement Weather, but not all policies cover it in the same way. The difference comes down to how long that inclement weather causes your common carrier (that’s your airline) to be delayed for. Some policies state that the inclement weather has to cause a complete cessation of services of your common carrier for up to 48 consecutive hours before the benefit will apply to you.

Keeping an Eye on Hurricanes with

With Felix strengthening to a category 5 hurricane and heading toward some popular tourist spots in the southern Caribbean, I’m sure everyone who is headed down there is keeping an eye on all the current weather reports. There’s a great site out there that does just that, Besides showing a detailed map of the…

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