Not all travelers need travel insurance. It depends on the degree of possible loss and the coverages that they might have through their own personal insurance including any that would be provided by credit card coverage. Knowing what your risks are and what you are already covered for will go a long way in helping you find the right plan.
The first thing you must do is decide if you need insurance for your trip. Not everyone needs travel insurance.
The first step is to look at your trip to see if there are any increased risks that you might face. Some risks are larger than others. Here are some to consider:
Day in and day out we are all exposed to the risk of financial loss. But when we travel there may be some unique financial losses or risks that we normally don't anticipate. Here is a list of some financial losses that could happen while on a trip:
The next thing is to determine gaps in your current insurance coverage. Here are some points to consider:
Medical |
Trip Investment |
Baggage and Personal Effects |
Rental Car |
Liability Coverage |
Knowing the answers to these question will give you a much better idea as to your risks which will allow you to focus on those risks you're most concerned about. Travel insurance can help with almost all of the above except for the liability coverage. Travel insurance plans do not offer liability coverage either for automotive or personal liability.